Bullion trader swindles clients’ money

Bullion trader swindles clients’ money

Weaves story of ED raid to evade repayment

Victims to approach law enforcement agency for justice

She is into trading of shares. She is from Vasai East in Palghar district. She runs a firm under the name and style ‘The Bull & The Bullion. One might wonder what is new in these details. For, many modern women run huge businesses and what is so special about this woman.

Wait! We are getting there. This woman, Jaya Henry, befriends people with her sweet-talking. Claiming to be a God fearing woman, she offers word of solace saying that she would pray to Jesus to mitigate the problems of her friends. People in trouble naturally fall ‘prey’ to her claims of prayer for succour.

She will get hold of her victims’ money and then begin weaving stories to evade payment. Here are two classic instances wherein she duped two well educated people who trusted her under the impression that she would help her.

One of her victims is a female academician from Hyderabad. The academician knew Jaya Henry for quite some time but landed in deep trouble for trusting her. She not only is suffering financially but her family relations got disturbed because of the ‘unfriendly acts’ of the bullion trader.

The academician was in need of Rs 10 lakhs to organise an exhibition show. She gave a gold coin of 100 grams to Jaya Henry and requested the latter to sell the same as well as arrange rest of the money to make up a total of Rs 10 lakhs. The academician requested Jaya to transfer the money to the bank accounts of her husband and son before leaving for Hyderabad.

Normally, bullion traders transfer lakhs and even crores of rupees at the click of a button. The female academician thought she would get the money by the time she reached Hyderabad. But to her utter shock, Jaya did not send the money till date.

When the academician contacted Jaya to enquire about the money, the latter quite surprisingly replied that Enforcement Directorate (ED) froze her account for depositing Rs 10 lakhs in her account.

What more! She demanded the academician to pay Rs. 2.60 lakhs since the gold coin was sold only for Rs. 7.40 lakhs and that she added the remaining amount to make it Rs 10 lakhs and help the academician. The unsuspecting academician borrowed from others and transferred Rs 2.60 lakhs to Jaya.

Now, the bullion trader rarely answers the phone call from the academician. Instead, she only chats via Whatsapp. Jaya continues to tell the academician the same ED story, though she has not offered any proof of ED raid or seizure.

Instead, Jaya tells the academician that the copy of notice served on her by the ED is with her advocate and that her advocate is demanding Rs 50,000 to return the copy of notice. The bullion trader has compelled the academician into ‘begging’ her for a loan so that she could face her husband.

But the God fearing bullion trader is in no mood to ‘help’ the academician. She simply claims that she landed in trouble because she wanted to help the academician by transferring the money.

After landing in deep trouble because of the unfriendly acts of cheating and criminal breach of trust by the bullion trader that the academician came to know about similar fraud played by Jaya Henry with another victim named Preetam.

Preetam was lured into investing Rs 5 lakhs by Jaya on the promise of providing handsome returns through trading. Only Jaya’s ‘Jesus’ knows about the handsome returns she gave him, but the situation now is that Preetam’s health is in a very bad shape and he has been requesting her to return his Rs 5 lakhs.

He is fed up with her false promises for the last almost three years and realised that Jaya duped him. A helpless man he is, Preetam gave up requesting her for the money and left it to God telling the bullion trader through painful whatsapp messages that, “God is observing and I’ll leave it to him, you being God’s child and know the power of heartfelt prayers, never it’ll be ignored and will surely have right result.

“My pain may be a curse to you and your family & whoever took my money. I have faith in my God, he’ll surely align that day for me..” Jaya’s victims now believe that it is the bullion trader’s modus operandi and there could be many more that lost their money by trusting her. They are considering joining hands and approaching the law enforcement agency for justice.