Food adulteration alarming in Hyderabad
Adulteration of food in Telangana’s capital city of Hyderabad appears to have reached alarming levels.
Even the Biryani, for which Hyderabad is famous, is not an exception. Not just biryani, but synthetic colours are added in foods like tandoori chicken, according to GHMC officials.
These adulterated foods cause cancer, warn officials of the food safety wing of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC).
Jaggery too is adulterated with synthetic colours, the officials said and cautioned the people not to use jaggery that looks light reddish and white in colour. Food testing laboratory at Nacharam found the adulteration at alarming levels.
GHMC officials seized huge quantities of jaggery and khova in various shops in Shahalibanda, Shamsheergunj and Katedan recently. Criminal cases had been registered against the shopkeepers after the food testing laboratory reports proved that adulteration is at alarming levels.
The shopkeepers reportedly told the GHMC officials that they sell the adulterated jaggery to various Gow Shalas in the city.
It is pertinent to mention here that the Special Operations Team (SOT) sleuths recently arrested a man preparing and selling oil from pig fat. Officials discovered that the oil extracted from pig fat was extensively used by the road side eateries to prepare fast foods such as fried rice. Officials advise the people to be extra cautious while eating outside and look for assurance from the eateries stating that they are not using synthetic colours and adulterated material.