Students develop critical motor for India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission
A team of students has successfully constructed a crucial motor for the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) Chandrayaan-3 mission to the moon.
ISRO had assigned the task of creating various motors for the space mission to the SonaSPEED team at Sona College of Technology in Salem, Tamil Nadu.
The space agency ultimately selected a stepper motor designed for the Launch Vehicle Mark-III (LVM 3), which was utilized to launch Chandrayaan-3.
The integration of the LVM 3, the launch vehicle for Chandrayaan-3, has been successfully completed for space travel.
The magnet stepper motor plays a crucial role in the actuator assembly of the LVM 3, controlling the mixture ratio of the rocket engine’s liquid fuel and oxidizer.
“We are honored to contribute to ISRO’s moon mission through our R&D work at Sona College of Technology. Our research team remains dedicated to supporting ISRO’s future space endeavors as well,” stated Professor N Kannan, Head of SonaSPEED at Sona College of Technology.
Chocko Valliappa, CEO of Vee Technologies, the technology firm responsible for manufacturing and quality assurance of the motors, highlighted that the successful integration of the stepper motor in the Chandrayaan-3 launch vehicle exemplifies India’s engineering talent in domesticating ISRO’s pioneering missions.